Saturday, October 1, 2011

New and Improved Copyright Presentation

I utilized many of the principals listed in They Snooze, You Lose to improve my copyright presentation. Check it out!

Copyrighted material and the educational setting k binns version 2
View more presentations from KateBinns.

After reading Chapters 1 and 4 of They Snooze, You Lose by Lynell Burmark, I reviewed my copyright presentation. This is the thought process I engaged in as I edited.

Design Element


1. Creativity

My slides were boring! I did not use any images to support the content or break up the words.

· I added graphic images of numbers to all slides that were related to the four factors of fair use.

· Images were added to several pages to break up the text.

2. Number of words

I was very verbose in my original presentation. I reduced many of the slide words and moved them to my notes section and a reminder of what to share with my audience.

3. Formatting

I chose to adjust the formatting for consistency. All headings were put in bold. The position of text boxes was standardized.

4. Hook—Connections

My first slide attempted to hook my audience by eliciting a personal story. I chose to decrease the number of words on this slide because in a presentation we would simply discuss their response.

5. Font

Initially, I was planning to change my font to one of the four suggested by Dr. Burmark (Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman, or Arial). However, after reviewing my slides, I felt that my font choice of Century Gothic was appropriate and readable. The kern size did not allow letters to run into each other and it’s a clean, simple font.

6. Color

Dr. Burmark suggested using a blue background with a yellow font/foreground. I tested a few sample color schemes and created my own using this principal. I was not able to find something to my satisfaction. I ultimately chose to stay with my green/orange accent color scheme. Green is a calming color and copyright can be a stressful topic for anyone using images and content from the internet.

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